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1118 Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA

Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA
Inviato da Antonio Lengua il mar 27 novembre 2018 - 11:18:32 | Leggi/Invia Commenti:4 |Stampa veloce
1118 Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA Deus_ex_machina | 27 nov : 11:23
Commenti: 5148

Utente 26 lug : 16:46
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According to a report by Ansa
The report says that Italy's lower house will aim to start budget debate on 3 December and that there will be no new documents to go to the European Commission on the budget in the meantime.

It is reported that the budget committee has also started voting on the amendments to the budget and aims to complete the voting this week before the debate next week.

1118 Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA Deus_ex_machina | 27 nov : 11:24
Commenti: 5148

Utente 26 lug : 16:46
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la manovra farà il suo normale percorso in realtà: la sede per eventuali cambiamenti è l'iter di approvazione parlamentare dove con gli emendamenti le faranno un po di maquillage

1118 Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA frimba | 27 nov : 14:30
Commenti: 4881

Utente 01 ago : 16:21
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tony siamo ancora in piena partita,per ora i profili bassi non esistono fa parte della trattativa dimostrasi incazzosi.

1118 Italy’s Deputy PM Salvini: No New Documents To Go To EU On Budget - ANSA lucadrag | 27 nov : 15:18
Commenti: 1643

Utente 10 nov : 10:04
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Conte meeting con EU Barnier domani.

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