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819 ecco la parte piu importante del discorso di draghi

At our December Governing Council meeting, we will thoroughly assess the strength and persistence of the factors that are slowing the return of inflation towards 2%. We will use as one input the Eurosystem staff projections. Another input will be the work of our staff in consultation with the Eurosystem Committees on the monetary policy stimulus that has been achieved so far, and the range of instruments available in case more accommodation is seen as necessary. If we conclude that the balance of risks to our medium-term price stability objective is skewed to the downside, we will act by using all the instruments available within our mandate. In particular, we consider the APP to be a powerful and flexible instrument, as it can be adjusted in terms of size, composition or duration to achieve a more expansionary policy stance. The level of the deposit facility rate can also empower the transmission of APP, not least by increasing the velocity of circulation of bank reserves. In making our assessment of the risks to price stability, we will not ignore the fact that inflation has already been low for some time. Looking forward, monetary policy will remain accommodative for as long as needed to secure a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation. That means we want to feel suitably confident that inflation will not only converge to, but also stabilise around levels close to 2% over the relevant medium-term horizon. So let me reiterate what I said here last year: if we decide that the current trajectory of our policy is not sufficient to achieve that objective, we will do what we must to raise inflation as quickly as possible. That is what our price stability mandate requires of us.

parla apertamente del tasso di sconto nel suo speech
Inviato da Antonio Lengua il ven 20 novembre 2015 - 09:19:45 | Leggi/Invia Commenti:4 |Stampa veloce
819 ecco la parte piu importante del discorso di draghi Bruce_Banner | 20 nov : 09:45
Commenti: 5133

Utente 17 dic : 14:55
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That means we want to feel suitably confident that inflation will not only converge to, but also stabilise around levels close to 2% over the relevant medium-term horizon.

da questa frase dire che si andra ben oltre il raggiungimento della quota 2% quindi QE non finisce tanto presto

819 ecco la parte piu importante del discorso di draghi fmaggioni | 20 nov : 10:34
Commenti: 1224

Utente 31 mar : 10:49
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A pensare male si fa peccato ma alle volte ci si azzecca...

Re: 819 ecco la parte piu importante del discorso di draghi arvtrader | 20 nov : 11:21
Commenti: 304

Utente 08 ott : 16:18
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pensar male?? il mercato e' delle opzioni! e da molto tempo..

819 ecco la parte piu importante del discorso di draghi maninblack | 20 nov : 12:20
Commenti: 3470

Utente 31 dic : 16:18
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Invece di definirlo QE lo avrei chiamato QB ovvero quanto basta ;-)

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