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855 calendario di oggi

stamattia sono usciti dati import prices tedeschi piu alti dell atteso
 ===> 8.00 EUR Ger Import Price Indext (M) (OCT) -0.3 -0.5% 0.3%
 ===> 8.00 EUR Gery Import Price Index ( Y) (OCT) -1.2  -1.5% -1.6%

con le festività di giov e enerdi in usa, oggi si concentrano tantissimi dati macro, sopratt nel pomeriggio, molti dei quali piuttosto importanti.
avremo quindi un pomeriggio di fuoco dal punto di vista macro

===> 10.10 EUR ECB's Constancio Speaks in London
10.30 GBP GDP ( Y) (3Q P) 3% 3%
 ====> 10.30 GBP GDP (QoQ) (3Q P) 0.7% 0.7%
 ===> 10.30 GBP Exports (3Q P) -0.2% -0.4%
 ===> 10.30 GBP Government Spending (3Q P) 0.2% 1%
10.30 GBP Gross Fixed Capital Formation (3Q P) 2.3% 1.3%
 ===> 10.30 GBP Imports (3Q P) 0.8% -0.3%
10.30 GBP Index of Services (3Mo3M) (SEP) 0.7% 0.8%
10.30 GBP Index of Services (M) (SEP) 0.4% 0%
 ===> 10.30 GBP Private Consumption (3Q P) 0.6% 0.6%
 ===> 10.30 GBP Total Business Investment (QoQ) (3Q P) 2.3% 3.3%
10.30 GBP Total Business Investment ( Y) (3Q P) 9.7% 11%
12.00 GBP CBI Reported Sales (NOV) 28 31
13.00 USD MBA Mortgage Applications (NOV 21) 4.9%
 ====> 14.30 USD Durable Goods Orders (OCT) -0.7% -1.1%
 ====> 14.30 USD Durables Ex Transportation (OCT) 0.5% -0.1%
 ===> 14.30 USD Continuing Claims (NOV 15) 2355K 2330K
 ===> 14.30 USD Initial Jobless Claims (NOV 22) 287K 291K
 ====> 14.30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core ( Y) (OCT) 1.5% 1.5%
 ====> 14.30 USD Personal Income (OCT) 0.4% 0.2%
 ====> 14.30 USD Personal Spending (OCT) 0.3% -0.2%
 ===> 14.30 USD Cap Goods Orders Nondef Ex Air (OCT) 0.8% -1.6%
 ===> 14.30 USD Cap Goods Ship Nondef Ex Air (OCT) 0.3% 0.3%
 ===> 14.30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Core (M) (OCT) 0.2% 0.1%
 ===> 14.30 USD Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator (M) (OCT) 0% 0.1%( Y) (OCT) 1.4% 1.4%
 ====> 15.45 USD Chicago Purchasing Manager (NOV) 63 66.2
 ====> 15.55 USD U. of Michigan Confidence (NOV F) 90 89.4
 ====> 16.00 USD New Home Sales (M) (OCT) 0.9% 0.2%
 ====> 16.00 USD New Home Sales (OCT) 471K 467K
 ====> 16.00 USD Pending Home Sales ( Y) (OCT) 4% 1%
 ====> 16.00 USD Pending Home Sales (M) (OCT) 1% 0.3%
0=> 16.30 USD DOE Cushing OK Crude Inventory (NOV 21) 718K Crude Oil 2608K Distillate  -2056K Gasoline 1034K
Inviato da Antonio Lengua il mer 26 novembre 2014 - 08:56:29 | Leggi/Invia Commenti:1 |Stampa veloce
855 calendario di oggi Deus_ex_machina | 26 nov : 09:08
Commenti: 5148

Utente 26 lug : 16:46
Replica a questo
Buongiorno a tutti,

Fib: impostata vendita del rimanente 25% della mia posizione long @ 20,330. Se me lo va a prendere bene, altrimenti lascio andare e gestiro' la posizione residuale con un Okkio al 4 dicembre.

Oggi non riusciro' a seguire e per questo ho gia' impostato questo trade.
Buona giornata.


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