News: 736 varoufakis annuncia le dimissioni poco fa sul suo blog
(Categoria: News macro e varie)
Inviato da Antonio Lengua
lun 06 luglio 2015 - 07:37:23

varoufakis annuncia le dimissioni poco fa sul suo blog

saranno rifiutate o accettate?

"Soon after the announcement of the referendum results, I was made aware of a certain preference by some Eurogroup participants, and assorted ‘partners’, for my… ‘absence’ from its meetings; an idea that the Prime Minister judged to be potentially helpful to him in reaching an agreement. For this reason I am leaving the Ministry of Finance today"
l annuncio mira a sbloccare le trattative, dice lui. Fa l agnello sacrificale sull altare dell accordo. wow...  c'è da credergli ?
intanto gli usa da -1.40 sono saliti a -0.95.


domani sera eurosummit alle 18

Questa news proviene da THE HAWK TRADER
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