News: 759 la saga greca continua
(Categoria: equities EU)
Inviato da Antonio Lengua
gio 28 maggio 2015 - 07:59:57

i mercati si sono entusiasmati ieri per una dichiarazione di "officials" che una bozza era già pronta per essere redatta.
tuttavia si tratta sempre di dichiarazioni di membri del governo greco, i quali raccontano la loro mezza verità, come viene ben spiegat in qs articolo di Kathimerini
in Athens, a government official said a deal was was already being drafted.


i creditori la pensano diversamente pero' :
But Greece’s creditors appeared not to have changed their position, and a series of officials appeared surprised at claims in Athens that a deal was in the cards.

per non parlare del min finanze tedesco :
In an interview with ARD television, Schaeuble said he was “surprised about what is said in Athens all the time, namely that we were very close to an agreement.”“

o di un membro non meglio precisato della BCE
We do not yet have the catalyst that will allow an agreement,” an ECB official told Kathimerini.

insomma non ci sono nuove proposte..
Sources in Brussels said they had received no new proposal from Athens since Saturday, when officials had noted progress in talks on value-added tax reform and pensions, with labor reforms and fiscal issues still pending.    mancano ancora impegni su riforme importanti come il settore del lavoro e altri punti fiscali.

quindi la saga continua...

Questa news proviene da THE HAWK TRADER
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